Welcome to the on-line home of NutVal, the spreadsheet application for planning and monitoring the nutritional content of food assistance.


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A New Release of NutVal

7 July 2013
We are pleased to let you know that a new version of NutVal is due for release in the autumn of this year.

NutVal Version 4 will feature:

  • New micronutrient requirements; RNI, taken from FAO/WHO (2004), will replace the currently used WHO (2000) Safe Levels of Intake. 
  • Nine additional nutrients will be included in the NutVal database and used in the analysis of nutrient adequacy. 
  • The age group categories currently provided in NutVal 2006 will be revised to make them more comprehensive, user-friendly, and consistent with age groups that are used in programme design. Energy requirements for the new age categories will be calculated using values from FAO/WHO/UNU (2004). 
  • Additional food items that have been requested by users will be included. 
  • Data handling and the tracking database will be improved to allow the saving and recall of complete ration data. 
  • An online user manual will be developed and uploaded to nutval.net. This will be freely accessible to users and provide help in Word .doc or .pdf formats. 
 A flyer containing more information about the forthcoming release can be download here.

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