NutVal 3.0 is now online

28 March 2012
We are pleased to let you know that an updated version of NutVal has been finalised and is now available for download. 

NutVal 3.0 has an expanded database of commodities and products, and new population sub-groups to use for assessing the adequacy of food assistance. For a full list of improvements please see the download page. We encourage all users to download the new version as soon as they can.


  1. THANK YOU! I always do this by hand, or in a very tedious only nutrition analysis programme.

    This looks like it will be very helpful.

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  3. Imprеssеd by NutVal 3.0's еnrichеd databasе! Thе addition of nеw commoditiеs and population sub-groups еnhancеs thе prеcision of food assistancе assеssmеnts. Kudos to thе dеvеlopеrs for this significant upgradе. Best Essay Writer, I bеliеvе this vеrsion will strеamlinе nutrition еvaluation procеssеs, making it an еssеntial tool for rеsеarchеrs and practitionеrs. Downloading it ASAP for a firsthand еxpеriеncе!
