Welcome to the on-line home of NutVal, the spreadsheet application for planning and monitoring the nutritional content of food assistance.


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NutVal 5

24 December 2024

Following a prolonged period of development and testing NutVal 5.0 has been released for general use, and is now available via the downloads page.

New price and cost data functions have been included, the food item database has been extended, new nutritional requirements for detainees have been added, and a new CVA calculator has been included. 

Its been a long time coming but it is hoped that it will now contribute to making the design and monitoring of food assistance programmes using ether CVA or food distributions easier and more effective. Its a new version with several new functions. So please do email with any bug reports or suggestions for further improvements. Thanks! 

NutVal 5

29 March 2023

NutVal 5 is now, finally, almost ready for beta testing!

Based on user feedback, new price and cost data functions have been included, the food item database is begin extended, new population requirements have been added, a new CVA calculator has been added, and we are testing out the use of built in cost optimisation of the ration contents. 

There is still a lot to do but hopefully things will now move faster and a new version will be available within the next few months. Thanks!   

NutVal in 2022?

04 February 2022

NutVal development has been on ice for around two years - pandemics and such like rather got in the way. So it was slightly surprising, but great, to see from the web site download stats that NutVal is still as popular as ever amongst the humanitarian food assistance community. So, that's a motivation to try and get things moving again. Thanks!